Tuesday, September 29th, and Friday, October 2nd 12-1: Happy Hour for Dr. Amy’s B12 Energy/Immunity Booster or Lipotropic+B12 for enhanced metabolism. No appointment needed, just walk-in! Tuesday is our recurring weekly hour, and Friday is an additional day – please note Dr. Amy will be out of the office the following week, so plan ahead!
Last week we highlighted bio-identical hormone therapy as a common presentation to Dr. Amy, but many others come in with the simple complaint of fatigue. Often times, small changes in your endocrine system (lower thyroid or adrenal function) can make big differences in your daily energy. Fluctuating blood sugar, low nutrient status, and poor sleep are just a sampling of additional causes for daily fatigue. If you are tired, investigating your lab-work, history, and lifestyle can often reveal a cause for your daily struggle. Often, naturopaths will look at values differently than your traditional doctor, so even if you have been told, “all is normal,” Dr. Amy can often help.
We will often start with testing for thyroid, blood sugar, anemia, and other common disturbances to improve your energy. Traditionally, testing for your thyroid often only includes a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), but integratively, we also will look at the breakdown of your thyroid production by measuring the amount of thyroid hormone in your system by looking at T3 and T4. Blood sugar, too is looked at with tighter limits, and we will often look at salivary levels of cortisol to measure function of your adrenals. Disruptions in any of these will make you tired! This is just a tidbit of the investigation that can be done to figure out the cause for your fatigue. You don’t have to be tired!